DiabetesOnTV 17Novembre2021

Scarica brochure e programma

Presidents: Giuseppe Curigliano and Paolo Marchetti

Scientific Secretary: Andrea Botticelli

Congress Venue: Villa Aurelia - Largo di Porta San Pancrazio, 2 - Rome

ECM Provider n. 4795
Didactika S.r.l. - Piazza della Trasfigurazione, 8/a - 00151 Rome - ref. n. 328805

ECM Credits: 13

This event is open to biologists, medical doctors and surgeons

Dermatology, Haematology, Gastroenterology, Internal medicine, Oncology, Radiotherapy,
Gynaecology,Histology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, Clinical Pathology.

Registration is free.
To register for the Congress, send an e-mail to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

This congress will be held in presence for a maximum of 50 participants and
on web using the following link: